Churches and charitable organisations

In ancient times the African drum was used as an instrument to help with education. To invite people from other tribes further away, the very loud beat of the African drum was used to call them to functions like weddings, initiations, burials and other festivities.
Even today the African drum still forms a large part of the African culture and way of life. It still is the most prominent instrument that features in all their music.

In Africa everyone physically participates, not necessarily so in Europe.

Every person present is very much part of the whole ethnic ceremony and actually takes part in some form, may that be singing, dancing, clapping or just stamping their feet. Through all of this an atmosphere of togetherness is created which in return energises the rhythm and stimulates their life.

Together let us build this musical bridge between Africa and Europe.

Please support this organisation to help the needy, in the African continent.

African Drum Events can be contacted by any Help Organisation involved in Africa to inquire how we can be of assistance to help their cause.

What it means in the community to drum together is to work together to help other fellow human beings.

African Drum Events offers the following programs:

  • Drumming for Africa
  • Evening workshops
  • Support at conferences
  • Youth workshops
  • Opening of new organisations
  • Birthday and Christmas parties
  • Farewell parties
  • etc.

The participants leave the workshop completely relaxed, motivated and filled with new enthusiasm. They will have achieved their goal of working together as a team.
